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Our Mission is to delve into the layers of a creative force found in the Tabernacle Pattern—revealing evidence of, and igniting encounter with, the power of the Holy Spirit and His desire to co-create with each believer in their unique purpose. We aim to open and steward sacred spaces of permission in gatherings that allow exploration and advance.
In September '21 we gathered to explore what creativity surrendered to the voice of God could look and sound like. What presence would God release as we surrendered our preference to His presence? This was all recorded at this gathering we call Tabernacle. May you hear His voice and sense His beauty as you watch and listen.
A journey that winds deeper and deeper into the divine Tabernacle pattern and the heart of God.
Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon contain an example of spectacular heavenly atmosphere design. Today, our atmosphere design seeks to create spaces where prayerfully made creative works are made in partnership with His Spirit to invite the presence of a Holy God. It can be electrifying!
'It is overwhelming to be surrounded by such excellence of beauty.'
Tabernacle Delegate
As well as our live art team we have some space available in main sessions and workshops for anyone. There will some dry art materials available- papers, pens, pencils etc. If you wish to bring your own dry art materials - please do.
'It has been beautiful to journey with everyone and still go to the places God wants only for me. Allowing my heart to be freed up and my mind to the place of deep refreshment.'
Tabernacle Delegate
We are beyond convinced that movement and dance are an incredible part of worship, King David and Miriam certainly thought so. Space is a challenge in some sessions as we appreciate this creative expression thrives on space, but for now we can offer you a worshipful atmosphere were this expression is highly valued and cherished.
"We were practicing movement using a long length of fabric, usually I feel the pattern of the movement as a I physically engage in the process but this time I could see something moving in the shapes of the fabric like an angelic presence and how the angelic could move.' Tabernacle Team
Our team of musicians come from a different nations providing exciting blend of sounds and journeys. They will seek to follow the Holy Spirit helping to lead us into places in God's presence that are joyful & exuberant, contemplative or challenging and unexpected.
'With a variety of musical instruments playing over groups and individuals it was mind altering- explosive joy! A true lasting, incredible encounter.'
Tabernacle Delegate
Sewing, felting, knitting and more are all loved at Tabernacle. What a great way to explore God!!
Wonderful opportunity to meet with gifted people using their talents to demonstrate the Kingdom and Christian wholeness in the ‘arts’ an area too long left to the world.' Tabernacle delegate
Crafting with wood is brilliant! We will supply wood & tools for small projects. We are excited about worship with wood, everyone welcome as spaces permit during sessions. Anyone under 18 needs accompanied by an adult.
'What a beautiful space Tabernacle created. There was no them and us. I loved the words we were all here for an audience of one together. A symphony heaven and earth meeting.' Tabernacle Delegate
'Words weave worlds' as someone once said. Through the ages man has expressed humanities many facets through words and language. This area is vast, from studying the Word itself for inspiration, to pouring our inspired writing into worship, this area manifests in many ways. We look forward to seeing what you are inspired to write.
'The sound of God reaches into the foundations and creates new life. His word creates.' Tabernacle delegate
This team go after Spirit led photography not just great photos. Over the years they have been commissioned many times to capture the extraordinary creative worship of God that is bubbling up as a greater diversity of expression in worship is being restored to the church.
Through the scriptures runs a divine pattern, revealing building layers of creative force bursting with examples of co-creation between God and humanity. It is a Tabernacle pattern: from Eden, through the Tabernacles of Moses and David, Solomon's Temple, Jesus, the Church, and magnificence of the new Jerusalem.
The pieces of the Tabernacle Pattern lie disconnected in the minds of many believers. Like the mechanisms of a clock, they will not activate without connection to each other and the master clockmaker. Our aim is to pick up the pieces because we believe God intended for His people to carry ingenious, innovative solutions and creative energy through every area of society- government, business, education, science, family, the arts, media, and more. The Tabernacle pattern is like an ancient storehouse of wisdom, empowering us to do just that.
It's time to unleash the full spectrum of God's creative wisdom. This new wineskin needs exploration and freedom to respond as we are led, without restriction. Our vision is to facilitate a space for believers to do exactly this, using the Tabernacle pattern as a guide for the journey. While no two Tabernacle gatherings are the same, diverse creativity is both the tool and the result. Thankfulness releases melody, artistry ignites solution, rhythm awakens new inspiration, movement and colour frees insight, and words spoken usher us deeper and deeper into His presence.
We may find Him standing in the dusty desert waiting for us to see His form, or in the Outer Courts longing for us to grasp the sanctity of atonement. Perhaps He will meet you in the Holy Place, brooding over you, brightening your path with the light of menorah wisdom, or in the Holy of Holies, its entrance framed with the fabric shards of a torn veil hanging scarlet with sacrifice. It is here we will find a face to face friendship that will reveal the mysteries of our future.
We are simply on a pilgrimage seeking experiential truth of our maker and His fascinating Kingdom. Pilgrims see movement as sacred, illustrated well by the latin phrase 'peregrinatio pro amore Dei,' meaning "wandering for the love of God.” On this journey so far, many have pilgrimaged through a transformative depth of the Spirit; surprised and adored by their Creator as they live with a fiery expectancy of more to come.
Meet the crazy people who pioneered Tabernacle as a creative gathered space to enable us to go much deeper with God.
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